
Alicia facade helps to use this package easily and faster. this facade contains a bunch of methods that in the next, we will introduce them.

Available methods


Uploads and stores files and links at once.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

Alicia::batch( request()->input('files') )->getData();

files input can contain files and links.


Uploads a single file on the server.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->getData();


Stores an external link on the database.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

Alicia::external( request()->input('link') )->getData();


Creates different versions of uploaded image.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->export()->getData();


Delete a model instance and its related files.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

$model = Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->getData();



Delete several models and their related files at once.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

$modelA = Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->getData();
$modelB = Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->getData();

Alicia::batchDelete( [$modelA,$modelB->id] );


Sometimes you need to move your file to another server and access it using a link.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

$model = Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->getData();
// Upload given file on another server and get its link
$link = 'https://www.file-server.dev/files/file-name.extension';

Alicia::makeExternal( $model,$link );

This make it easy to move your files to another server without doing heavy updates or re-creating you resources.


If you have your file on the server and want to store it on database, you can use fromFile method.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

$file = '/path/to/file.extension';

$model = Alicia::fromFile( $file )->getData();


HLS is disabled by default, but if you want to get a HLS export for your uploaded video file, you can use hlsExport method.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->hlsExport()->getData();

This method dispatch a job in the background to get HLS export for your video file.


After you create a resource, you can call getData method to get your created resources. if your action created one model instance, this method returns a single model instance. for instance, when we upload a single file.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->getData();

But, if we call export method after uploading an image or using batch method, the created models could be more than one instance, so getData method returns a collection of created models.

use Hans\Alicia\Facades\Alicia;

Alicia::upload( request()->file('file') )->export()->getData();